Green Spring – Nature-Based Wellbeing Activity in Derby and Derbyshire
About Us
GreenSPring was a green social prescribing test and learn project funded by NHSE, DEFRA, DHSC, NASP and Sport England. The project was delivered from 1st April 2021 – 31st March 2023. The aim of the project was to test how to embed GSP into communities with the ultimate aim to contribute to:
- improve mental health outcomes
- reduce health inequalities
- reduce demand on the health and social care system
- develop best practice in making green social activities more resilient and accessible.
As we approached the final phase of the pilot, three clear themes emerged as priority areas to embed green social prescribing in Derbyshire:
- Deeper understanding of the participant journey from referral through to experiencing activity; and specifically, what could be done to achieve an optimal experience and better outcomes for individuals struggling with their mental health.
- Develop and scale the Green Spring Network to create quality, sustainable and joined up community-based provision for GSP. Model the creation of a provider network with a collective voice, evidence of impact, peer led learning and a strong, reciprocal relationship with the ICB.
- Support and nurture a Provider Collaborative model in order to lead to thriving community activity and person-centred practices.
These three areas of work have been delivered since March 2023 as a legacy of the GreenSPring test and learn national programme.

Web design, hosting and content support by
The web arm of Broadway Social Enterprise, Burton on Trent